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We provide high-quality design services: including brand design, brochures and other printed matter design and production services, design and production of various exhibition stands and indoor and outdoor posters, website design, product packaging design...

What We Do: What We Do


Design Fee

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Brand Design


Logo brand design from $ 500 (3 sets of options are available, each additional +50 plans)

When it comes to making a lasting impression, it’s crucial to use the right combination of images, graphics, colors, and animation to create a stylish and visually appealing design that also tells a story. We’re highly committed to visual quality as well as usability, and work with all of our clients to ensure their needs are met.

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Website Design


Website design from $ 500 (for all layouts required by the website, this fee does not include the cost of website construction, all costs required for going online are charged according to the actual situation)

We want all of our clients to experience the impressive level of skill and professionalism of our designers when working with thomas.yang. All of our services, especially this one, exist to make your life more beautiful. You can trust us to provide everything you need in order to produce truly exceptional designs.

Print Design


Brochure design starting at $ 300 (the cover provides three designs, the inner page is 1P + $10), and the promotional leaflet starting at $200 (the promotional leaflet contains promotional foldouts, etc., to provide a design style, and modification will be charged at an appropriate cost), except for the above design In addition to services, printing services can also be provided (prices are charged based on actual conditions)

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Package Design


Packaging design starts from $500 (provide a design plan), packaging can provide printing services, the price is charged according to the actual situation.

What We Do: What We Do
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